About CUH

About Central University of Haryana

Central University of Haryana (CUH)

Central University of Haryana is one of the fifteen new Central Universities established by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India (GoI) in XI Five Year Plan (2007-2012) under the Central University Act-2009 of the Parliament.

The University has been accredited with ‘A’ Grade in the second cycle of NAAC assessment and accreditation conducted in August 2023. The University has been listed among the top 150-200 Universities in NIRF ranking. The University is fully funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Permanent Campus of the University is situated in 484 acres of land at Jant-Pali Villages, Mahendergarh district of Haryana from where CUH is running its academic operations. Presently the University offers 83 academic programmes (UG/PG/Research).

Logo of the CUH

University Logo is conceived with a globe at its centre surrounded by holy trinity of three arcs and at the bottom is a shloka taken from 'Neeti Shatkam' written by Bhartihari The arc at the bottom depicts an open book and a Veena, symbolising University's commitment to meeting the quest for acquiring knolwedge, learning, enlightenment and promoting art and culture. The arc at the right that depicts processes of science, technology and adventure symbolises the University's commitment to promoting scientific progress and creating a culture of creativity, innovation and enquiring approach. The arc at the left that depicts nature symbolises University's commitment to promoting education inculcating respect for environment, ecology and living in harmony with nature. The globe at the centre surrounded by the human chain and the pigeon flying above expresses University's belief that commitments represented by the trinity of three arcs shall lead to global peace, prosperity and human solidarity-the real spirit of education. The shloka at the bottom conveys that 'education' is the unrivalled treasure of all.

From the Desk of the Vice Chancellor

Central University of Haryana which has been awarded 'A' grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), is continuously developing its capabilities The university is on the path of development with new thinking, mutual cooperation and partnership. The university is making special efforts for the education of the students as well as for skill development and placement. For this, the facility of Training and Placement Centre has also been developed in Gurugram. CUH is moving ahead keeping the goal of all round development of the students at the centre. The University is engaged in research, research-innovation, skill development as well as developing opportunities for employment generation. The University is striving to develop necessary modern facilities for the students in the field of higher education. In the direction of successful implementation of National Education Policy-2020, the university is moving ahead in a planned manner and for skill development and employment generation of the students, the university is working at the micro level through special training and placement centres. CUH is moving towards realizing the dream of Self-reliant India, Saksham Bharat & Strong India as shown by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.